Medical Ministry

RICM Health Services treats thousands of people every year with a vision of health care for the underprivileged and unreached.

The medical ministry in the community we serve is a challenge.

The people in the rural areas/villages have no access to medical care, often people have to be carried for several miles to access the symptoms of diseases and treated by specialists.

It is pathetic to see people dying even for very common illnesses such as Hepatitis, Malaria, dengue, malnutrition etc., due to lack of proper medical care. The majority of the victims for such minor causes are the children who are supposed to be the future of our country.

We started this medical mission, with a lot of burden to serve the people around RICM Mission.

Presently we have certified doctors to assess the patients treat common illnesses and refer other patients to specialty hospitals and doctors in the nearby city.

Apart from regular medical services, RICM organizes free medical check-up camps in many villages. RICM also facilitates round-the-year free Cataracts in collaboration with eye care hospitals.

Thousands and thousands of people are introduced to the Gospel and touched by the love of Jesus Christ.